Higham and Rushden

Membership renewal

Higham & Rushden u3a memberships need to be renewed annually, normally on the anniversary of your joining date.
Membership renewal reminders are sent out by email or letter one to two weeks in advance of your renewal date but emails can sometimes be delivered to spam folders.
If you wish to find out your renewal date please do one of the following:

☛ email MembSec@highamandrushdenu3a.org.uk
☛ ask at the Membership Renewal table at our monthly meetings
☛ log in to the Members’ Portal on Beacon by clicking here or the link at the foot of the homepage to open this screen:

- Once you have filled in your details and clicked on “Confirm Identity” the screen will change to this:
and you should see your renewal date.

You can renew your membership by paying £15 (or £20 if you wish to continue receiving the "Third Age Matters" magazine) either by BACS or cheque.
BACS payment to NatWest. Account No: 32986734. Sort Code: 54-41-05. Account holder: Higham & Rushden U3A – please reference the payment with your surname and membership number.
Cheque payment to “Higham & Rushden U3A” which you can either hand in at one of our monthly meetings or send to:

Membership Secretary, c/o 15 Lakeside, Irthlingborough NN9 5SW

Please write your name and membership number on the back of the cheque.