Higham and Rushden

Play Reading Group

We were all impressed at the presentation by this group at our anniversary party, so here is a quick update on the activities of the Group which has been modestly hiding its talents! Group Leader Karen Smith reports that the initial meeting was July 2009 (among the first groups to be "up and running") where we read "The Hollow" by Agatha Christie. She can't remember which U3A member "dunnit"! Our subsequent programme has included "Rebecca" by Daphne du Maurier, "Hobson's Choice" by Harold Brighouse and "Not Now Darling" by Ray Cooney. We try and alternate light, comedic plays with more serious works by eg Ivan Turgener and J B Priestley. We have also read a horror spoof "The Creature Creeps" and in keeping with the season, we read a classic traditional pantomime "Dick Whittington". No prizes for guessing who played an excellent and hilarious Dame (seasoned RATS stalwart Tony Woodward).

The Group meets on the first Tuesday of the month and has an average attendance of around 10 members and would welcome new members and guests, although as the plays have a finite number of parts it will mean you only listen at some meetings.

You can contact Karen via the Contact page.

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