Home Dining
The Home Dining Group meets at the home of the leader Jean Mole once or twice a month, according to how many guests wish to attend: 6 guests can be accommodated on each night.
Jean says:
"I provide a 3 course home cooked meal, with a choice of 2 starters, 2 mains & 2 desserts, together with a glass of wine and a cup of tea or Nespresso coffee, for a cost of £10. There are no set days or dates as these are variable, but are usually after the 20th of the month. Information on the following month's dates together with menus is available at the monthly meeting or online. Pre-booking is essential and allocation of places is strictly on a first come, first served basis. Although I do now have my "regulars", there is usually room for another two or three guests. Please contact me for further information."
Jean can be contacted via the Contact page.