Higham and Rushden

Garden Group

We are back! Our meetings re-started in February 2022.

The Garden Group is happy to welcome new members. Meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month at 2pm in Rushden Hall, Hall Park, Rushden, NN10 9ES, although during the summer months we like to get out and about instead.
Former leader Sandra Cox has now handed over to the new Group Leaders, Lorraine Brown and Anna Bond.

For further details please get in touch via the Contact page.

Please do note final dates to receive payment for outings as we need to arrange venue payment through the U3A Treasurer in the month prior to a visit. Cheques should be made payable to "Higham & Rushden U3A".
For the forthcoming year we have set the cost of meetings at the Hall at £3.00, including refreshments. We have also arranged for the Hall staff to arrange chairs. Thank you for continued support of the plant swap, donations from which help cover speaker fees. For visits, if you don’t have transport but would like a lift please do let us know. Likewise if you can offer lifts do tell us.

Our February group newsletter is available here and will open in a new tab.

Copyright © Higham Ferrers and Rushden u3a